I can still remember the first time I showed my cock to two girls that lived on my street. They were shocked at how big it was. I figured it was only because they were used to looking at their bother’s little cocks in the bathtub of something. I had no idea my dick was all that and a bag of chips until I saw my first porno in college. Hey, I lived a sheltered life.
Having two teen girls thoroughly enthused with the size of your cock is a pretty powerful thing. I miss it. I am quite a bit older now and the girls I want to fuck think I am as old as their grandfathers. Fucking bitches.
All hope is not lost though. I can still get off watching hot videos like the one above on Plaintube.com. It is one of the XNXX that allow you to see the most popular videos from all over the web all on one website.
There is no obligation to pay for watching the videos. They are all 100% free. You do need a good quality connection if you want to watch the HD videos though. Relive your best memories with XNXX!